Thursday, 25 August 2011

Small things with great love...

"Not all of us can do great things. But, we can all do small things with great love."
Mother Teresa

What a true statement. I like to think that we can all do small things every day with the greatest of love and manifest goodness all around.
This week has been full of giving back in small ways...and my heart it overflowing with the good that is in this world!

One thing I did this week is help out Send 'Em Off Smiling. This is an organization that collects school supplies and fills back packs for families who need the help. It is a simple way to help many children start the year off with a smile and feeling confident and prepared. Delivering back seemed like such a small thing. The back pack deliveries were done with my Mom and my girls who are 2 and 3. It seems like such a small thing. Pick up some back packs and take them to kids who need them. I brought along my girls because I thought what a great way to get them involved even when they are little! So we filled the car as full as we could and off we went. It seems like such a small thing. Dayaa kept reminding me that there were backpacks at her feet, "Don't forget these back packs for the kids Mom." Only to be echoed by Laiklyn, "Me too back pack, kids!" We got to the first house to be greeted by 2 boys smiling and jumping saying, "Mom, they're here! The backpacks are here!" It seemed like such a small thing. We gave them the bags and wished them well and got back in the car as the boys smiled and dove right in to see what was inside. It seemed like such a small thing...done with great heart (I am especially proud of my girls who lasted almost 2 hours!!)...and what a huge reward!! The best part is we got to do it 13 more times that day and 15 the next!!!

Small things with great love. I often feel as if I don't do enough, but I have to remind myself...small things with great love.
So my challenge for you...what small thing can you do today or tomorrow or next week...what small thing can you do with great love? If you feel like sharing I would love to have people post things that they matter how small it may seem!

If you need some is a small thing a coach did with great heart that made a world of difference...
Yours In Kindness

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